Meet Chana Eisenstein

Chana Eisenstein, MS CPC is a highly experienced relationship coach with a master’s degree, popular workshop leader, and inspirational speaker. Inspired by her own journey, Chana is passionate about sharing the tools that have transformed her life. In the last two decades, she empowered hundreds of women, helping them experience real inner peace in their homes and lives. With much siyata dishmaya, Chana helps women move from stagnation to growth, from anxiety to calmness, from resentment to love.

Chana has a unique ability to help women get to the root of their issues and heal blockages, even subconscious ones.  Frustrated by the limitations of conventional therapy, Chana studied many cutting edge modalities that really work. Women of all ages are amazed at how effective and efficient this work is. Most women report feeling better within 1-2 weeks, and they keep it up.

 Chana specializes in transforming marriages. Her trademark practical and powerful tools have been described as “so simple to implement, yet so profound” and “life-changing.” Women worldwide are turning their dreams into everyday reality. Your dream marriage is just a click away.

Chana can be reached at or 917-690-2275

To sign up for inspirational and informative emails click here

Chana’s work is recommended and referred to by Rabbonim worldwide. 

Following are some of the Rabbinical Recommendations:

“I’ve seen many success stories with Mrs. Eisenstein’s work”.                                                   Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz, Senior Posek, BMG

“All the academic wisdom in human relations is built on human experience, which Mrs. Eisenstein has”.                                                                        Harav Yehudah Jacobs zt”l , Mashgiach

 “I know Mrs. Eisenstein and her family personally. They are wonderful  people. I highly recommend her approach. She looks at the big picture to help with specific results, covering more ground and getting far-reaching results.”    Rabbi Y. Wender,  Rav, Houston, Texas

It is amazing to see how Chana Eisenstein has used her experience and training to help so many women. I have personally witnessed her cleverly giving over practical steps to women to enable them to overcome their struggles and to make strides toward building themselves and their families. Chana is extremely positive, encouraging, and shares her knowledge in pinpointing challenges thus enabling her clients to break difficult past patterns in order to truly achieve the success they crave.                          Reena Marton, Veteran Kallah Teacher

“I have personally seen Mrs. Eisenstein transform many difficult Shalom Bayis situations and bring true harmony, joy, inner tranquility, understanding, love and compassion into countless homes. I have seen her work produce real results even after years of unsuccessful therapy. She has so much to offer and is passionate and completely dedicated, leading her clients towards happiness and lasting change. “

Rabbi E.Y
Intake Coordinator at Eitza Hotli
ne (410) 861 – 0613